WE WORLD (WHY WAIT ?) registered in Singapore 202011074R
A spin off of VIAGGIARATE, the platform that we had registered in 2001 and that imagined the possibility for a customer to book any type of tourist service and at the same time finance it on a tailor-made basis; we were unable to start given the poor margins of the tourist department and the percentage of NPL in Italy close to 20%.
WE WORLD (WHY WAIT ?) would have an ideal starting point in the Scandinavian countries and the UK; it is an innovative at this moment unique and personalized payment system for consumer credit in the range from EUR 1,000 to EUR 10,000.
The Customer will be able to choose the percentage of the down payment, the duration of the installments and also a large final installment (possibly refinanceable).
Please type 20% on the 1st page, 15 months on the 2nd and 20% on the 3rd, and here is the monthly installment instantly assuming an annual rate of 9%.
The current successful global APPs and platforms allow convenient 3 or 4 month deferrals at zero interest (very attractive especially for millennials and Gen Z), except to offer 12 month deferrals later on with sometimes very high interest.
WE WORLD is the ideal solution to solve the real problem of a deferred payment leaving ample freedom and creativity to the Customer, who will be able to choose the solution best suited to his needs. The financial company that owns the platform will be able to enjoy the immediate economic benefits deriving from the income of commissions granted by suppliers and from the spread between the cost of money and the actual annual rate applied.
WE WORLD has other solutions, alghoritms and improvements also eventually linked to AI, ready to make the platform increasingly attractive in the future, once competitors have inevitably copied the concept proposed here.